Casey Luskin fails to comprehend the huge advantage conferred by sexual reproduction in what is perhaps the scientifically dumbest post ever.
At Evolution News and Views, Casey Luskin confirms yet again that "The misreporting of the evolution issue is one key reason for this site."
It certainly is.
Diploid cells carry two copies of every gene compared to the single copy in cells produced assexually. If there is an error in the transmission of genetic information, the descendant's diploid cells have two chances to get it right instead of the assexual cell's single chance. That confers an evolutionary advantage to sexaully reproduced diploid cells.
Of course he is correct that assexual reproduction takes less energy and is also advantageous under certain circumstances. Living organisms often pursue different strategies for evolutionary success. It does not disprove evolution and Luskin does not explain what Intelligent Design theory has to offer to the discussion. You have to wonder if Casey has ever heard of annual and perrenial plants and their different strategies for evolutionary success.
Back to seventh grade biology class for Casey.