cdesign proponetists are loathe to identify the designer.
Casey Luskin, Young Earth Creationist: "ID-proponents have consistently given the principled explanation that ID's inability to specify the nature or identity of the designer stems from a desire to respect the limits of scientific inquiry."
Idea Center: "The mere presence of CSI does not tell us anything about the identity of the designer. The fact that ID does not identify the designer is only because of epistemological limitations of the scope of this scientific theory."
If they did identify the designer, then ID would be indistiguishable from creationism.
Fortunately, The Intelligent Design, LLC., has a clothing line that pretty muchs outs the designer. The designer's a fish with sunglasses, as it turns out.
I predict Pharyngula fans will show little interest in this clothing line unless the fish is replaced by an octopus. Perhaps like this one:
Seriously, here's Behe invoking the Bill Dembski of physics:
"Nonetheless, as regards the identity of the designer, modern ID theory happily echoes Isaac Newton's phrase, 'hypothesis non fingo.'"
Oddly, that Latin phrase doesn't mean what Behe thinks. It doesn't mean, "I feign lack of curiosity." It means, "I don't make shit up when I have no idea." Big difference.
Of course the Isaac Newton of information theory is not so unimaginitive as Casey Luskin: Here's Dembski's Intelligent Design Positive Research Program in detail. The final item?
* Identity Problem -- Who is the designer?