Denyse O’Leary is quite the blogwhore.
She maintains or acts as moderator on about a half dozen sites including but not limited to Post-Darwinist, Mindful Hack, Uncommon Descent, Overwhelming Evidence, and the ID Report. All sites flog her books mercilessly. You might assume a person maintaining multiple sites has a lot to say. Not true. She mostly posts what she calls “Service Notes" to ensure her blogs update on automated feeds. She also cross-posts to non-content at her other blogs, ensuring the same result.
The only thing she promotes more than ID is her self. When she does get around to promoting ID, she is often intentionally hilariously and unintentionally accurate
Recently Denyse offers a very odd collection of ID prophecies entitled “9 Predictions if ID is true.”
In her typical fashion she cross-posted it here:
Most of her "predictions" are versions of the fortuneteller’s “There will be an earthquake in California soon” variety. But one prediction is pretty specific. Here it is:
3. Complete series of transitional fossils will not usually be found because most proposed series have never existed.
First the delight. She was savaged by her own sycophants on Uncommon Descent for this prediction.
The first commenter nails her. He asks “Denyse, how does this square with Mike Behe and others’ view that common descent is true?” The answer, of course, is it doesn’t but cdesign proponentsists forget which inconsistent arguments they previously made.
Denyse actually attempts to reply but misses the point. She retorts, “Common descent can be true without a complete series of transitional fossils. Why not?” You’re right Denyse, it can be true even if the fossils aren’t there. But the question poses the opposite dillema—the fossils are there. Is the presence of fossil transitions consistent with ID? Behe says yes, you say no. At least one of you is wrong. Oopsie.
A commenter at UD correctly observed: “Either Behe isn’t doing ID work or Denyse is wrong about the prediction.”
On Post Darwinist, a commenter points out her predicitons aren’t predictions. Her clueless retort: “Oleg, if I could backdate my predictions to 1998, before I ever thought much about the intelligent design controversy, don't you think I would? Today is all I have so I start today.”
Well, no you don’t. That’s the beauty of predictions in science. Once made they’re always good. Einstein’s theory of relativity was confirmed by Eddington’s solar eqclise observations in 1919.
They still stand as a prediction today. So, feel free to assert any good ID prediction ever made before the discovery of the scientific fact. Take credit for historical predictions. It’s OK. Nobody has made an ID prediction yet.
Now for the truth. Denyse has cleverly and unintentionally falsified Intelligent Design by her prediciton #3. Here it is again:
3. Complete series of transitional fossils will not usually be found because most proposed series have never existed.
Cdesign proponentsists can't help but emit weasel words any more than burrito eaters can help it if they emit gas. We will politely ignore the verbal farts "usually" and "most." Putting aside the "wind," Denyse assures us that ID predicts that no transitional will be found. Nvertheless, these transitionals have already been found.
Here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.
Any one of these transistional series would be suffienct to falsify Denyse’s ID (if not Behe’s). Denyse can’t even explain how just one of these series can exist if ID is correct. Thanks for so convincingly falsifying ID for us, Denyse.