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Evolution Web Resources

  • Afarensis
    reality based humanoid's blog
  • Origin of Species Online
    For God's sake, read the dang thing before you proclaim any thoughts on evolution!! Now it's online at your fingertips. Go. Read. Then, pontificate if you must.
  • Talk Origins
    The master site containing the most comprehensive of evolution and anti-evolution sites and information on the web. A model example of how to really teach the controversy.

Junk Science Sites

Religous Critiques of Intelligent Design

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This is hilarious how the Discovery Institute gives such a blatantly deceitful spin to things - as usual. I notice that the peer reviewed article is published in a philosophy journal that is published by - hello! - the Evangelical Philosophical Society! In other words, yet again, ID is religion, not science. Yes, thanks Discovery Institute, but we already knew that.

 online writing

very amazing how people invent such things :)

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