The Discovery Institute constantly reminds us that Intelligent Design is not creationism.
The DI accomplishes this legerdemain by carefully defining "creationism" only as "Young Earth Creationism." Unfortunately for the Discovery Institute's public misrepresentations, there are several brands of creationism, and they sometimes get careless and admit it. Young Earth Creationism is just one form of creationism. All forms have two things in common.
First, all creationism deny common descent. Whether the living things we see around us were created 6000 years ago or 3,000,000,000 years ago, creationists believe that each "kind" was separately created. According to creationists, there is an Edge of Evolutionbeyond which exists the separate creation of kinds. Micahel Behe's book is a typical example of this creationist argument. Creationists cannot countenance the evidence supporting evolution of all life today from a few common ancestors.
Second, all creationist deny common ancestry--that humans and other primates alive today descended from a common joint ancestor. There is aremarkabke evidence from a number of sources demonstrating this amazing fact.
Yet this consilience of evidence from multiple disciplines is not enough for Casey Luskin. His article is typical of this second creationist argument.
Casey Luskin, creationist.