I was reseaching for a post on intelligent design when I came across a website advertising a very important form of insurance. If you can't locate long lost friends, they may wish they had been insured for certain events. Get insurance for these happenings! Dont leave earth without it.
Or at least don't let your mother in law leave without it.
Ah, but who is providing the coverage?
In related news, some Israeli landlords are inserting a Messiah clause into apartment leases in Jerusalem. Bet rents will rise when that happens.
Posted by: Talmida | November 16, 2004 at 11:21 AM
Great! I love it—Messiah Insurance. I wonder if it paid off for Rabbi Sneerson, the Lubavitcher Rabbi? And if you’re going on any long trips covered under the insurance policy in the article, you might want to study the Fastest Growing Language in The Galaxy
Posted by: Unapologetic Catholic | November 16, 2004 at 02:11 PM