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  • Pat Mulcahey's Caritas Christi Urget Nos
    a Deacon discerns the priesthood and shares his journey with us. God bless him! May Christ's love impel us all to answer His Call.
  • Cafeteria Catholic
    Demostrating yet again that the Catholic Cafeteria is as spiritually filling as the othodox deli.
  • Bad Catholic
    A "Bad in Name Only" Catholic voices strong opinions
  • Dappled Things
    Priests are busy. Thankfully, some blog, unapologetically
  • Disputations
    Criticial thinking of the highest order from a Venn Master, demonstrating that reason is the most effective apologetics
  • Journey to Vatican III
    Rebecca Nappi, Theologian and Newpaper Columnist with rare insights
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  • The Lesser of Two Weevils
    A zen Catholic studying Hebrew and finding God in quantum physics is sure to have interesting things to say!
  • Built on a Rock
    Commentary on ecumenical issues is unsurpassed.
  • Noli Irritare Leones
    Yet another thoughtful calm commentary on religion, Catholics, politics and the world written by a non-Catholic.
  • Catholic Sensibility
    A "peace"ful website by a sensible Catholic liturgist usually avoiding the Catholic blog fratricide
  • Real Live Preacher
    OK, OK, He's not even Catholic--But he's a model for the unapologetic Christian who evangelizes with the lure of a Cristian life well lived and observed, not the hammer of screaming apologetics hellfire and brimstone.
  • Open Book
    Most unapologetic site by a true apologetic Catholic in the best sense of the word
  • Catholicism, Spirituality and Holiness
    Thoughtful Catholic man combines family, career and faith.

Noteworthy Catholic and Religious Blogs

  • A Cautious Man
    Pointing out that we could all be a little more cautious in forming our instant internet opinions. Heed his advice.
  • Beanbag Central
    Capital "C" equals Catholic Chaos at aptly named site.
  • Catholic and Enjoying It!
    Intentionally apologetic, can be over the top outrageous, provocative, but freqently informative, thoughtful and spirtitual
  • Fath Based Politiics
    Politics informed by faith--backwards from the usual. Maybe two ii's are better after all.
  • Musings of An Ordinary Catholic
    Not so ordinary musings
  • Ragamuffin Ramblings
    Words of wisdom from the Windy City
  • Sancta Sanctis
    You cannot miss Chesterton Thursdays! Comprehensive list of Catholic websites and a beatiful site that lives up to its name.
  • St. Blog's Parish Hall
    Graciously maintained by a holy person, whose virtue must be patience, a lengthy list of Catholic blogs, both apologetic and unapologetic.
  • The Squire
    Running from the thought police, and he's got a long way to go.
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This was great. I especially like the list of things science cannot answer (and Country is better than Opera. Everyone knows that :) ).

My dad is a scientist who believes in evolution and a devout conservative Roman Catholic. All the priest who taught in my Catholic schools believed evolution was at least possible (and most like Tielhard De Chardin). I never had the sense that science and religion conflict growing up. It surprises me as I grow older that Catholics are still debating this.

It's not that I dogmatically believe in evolution. As far as scientific theories go, it isn't as iron-clad as some other theories. But it's the best explanation of our observations for now, and provides the most predictive framework yet. Maybe a better theory will "evolve", or maybe the evidence for evolution will mount higher than it currently is. Either way, there is no reason to lose faith over it.

Science is the study of how the world seems to work.

Theology is the study of why things are as they are - the study of meaning.

You can't often answer "Why?" questions with "How?" answers or vice-a-versa intelligibly.

"Why do fools fall in love?" not the same question as....

"How do fools fall in love?"



UC: Thanks for the "Priests in Over Their Heads" blog. A good follow-up might be to look into why there is so much controversy about the theory of evolution these days.Also I was glad to see the name of Fr. Teilhard de Chardin mentioned in jcecil3's comment. As difficult as it is at times to understand Fr. Teilhard's ideas, it is worth the effort to do so. I have one request for you, UC - the St. Augustine quote is taken from which of his writings - please cite chapter and page? Once again thanks.
Regards - Jeff


A scientist weights in:

Jcecil3 brought up the distinction between how things work and why things work (meaning). While science can't answer questions about meaning, as advances in the cognitive sciences are made -- a number of thinkers are claiming to explain *how* we think about meaning -- in other words, to explain how the brain creates concepts like "meaning" and how it addresses them. And many scientists act as though explaining something is the same as explaining it away.

My argument is that the certainty with which science can address questuions is proportional to 1.) The degree to which a problem can be reduced (i.e., taken away from its context, controlled, and ideally reproduced in a laboratory). And 2.) The disinterest with the scientist can approach the problem. For example, if I'm addressing questions about atoms and molecules, the answers I come up with are unlikely to threaten my sense of self. If I'm answering questions about the origins of human life and human nature -- its a whole other kettle of fish.

Inidentally, I learned about evolution in parochial school in 5th grade.

Unapologetic Catholic

Obviously, one area where I do expect expetise from our clergy is in the field of theology. Chardin has such powerful insights into evolution and man's relationship to God that I really don't think you can hold a meaningufl discussion of evolutiona nd theology without mentioning him. I know that he wa in some sense criticized by the Vatcian but I don't know how or why.

That's an area that a priest could enlighten us on. I, fpr one would like to know what the issues were and whether they've been resolved.

My internet is partially disabled at the moment so I'll post St Augustine's citation later.


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