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Noteworthy Catholic and Religious Blogs

  • A Cautious Man
    Pointing out that we could all be a little more cautious in forming our instant internet opinions. Heed his advice.
  • Beanbag Central
    Capital "C" equals Catholic Chaos at aptly named site.
  • Catholic and Enjoying It!
    Intentionally apologetic, can be over the top outrageous, provocative, but freqently informative, thoughtful and spirtitual
  • Fath Based Politiics
    Politics informed by faith--backwards from the usual. Maybe two ii's are better after all.
  • Musings of An Ordinary Catholic
    Not so ordinary musings
  • Ragamuffin Ramblings
    Words of wisdom from the Windy City
  • Sancta Sanctis
    You cannot miss Chesterton Thursdays! Comprehensive list of Catholic websites and a beatiful site that lives up to its name.
  • St. Blog's Parish Hall
    Graciously maintained by a holy person, whose virtue must be patience, a lengthy list of Catholic blogs, both apologetic and unapologetic.
  • The Squire
    Running from the thought police, and he's got a long way to go.
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Some of those people should remember that divination is strictly forbidden by the Bible. To "read" nature in order to find God's messages in it (like auguries do) is a major sin, an abomination. Maybe those creationnists are the reason why God is smithing the States... Just kidding... I shouldn't even be kidding about that...

Franklin Jennings

". He accuses others of beliefs they don't hold, as I did in the headline above."

That's almost as terrible as accusing people of making horrible claims they did not make.

Like "accusing a fellow Catholic of lathering up with soap made from his fellow human beings."

Guess ther's enough condemnation to go around.


This Site looks like a bunch of crap to me. But I'm sure you know this alrready.


As a 'new' blogger I made the mistake of leaving a comment on Mark Shea's 'Intelligent Design' blogging. I instantly got shot down in flames!
I am a lapsed catholic, but one with recently updated knowledge of biological evolution through a university paper. I was somewhat stunned to see such ignorance supported by so many in the comments. I thought science and the Vatican had a bit more dialogue these days.

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