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UnApologetic Catholic Sites

  • Pat Mulcahey's Caritas Christi Urget Nos
    a Deacon discerns the priesthood and shares his journey with us. God bless him! May Christ's love impel us all to answer His Call.
  • Cafeteria Catholic
    Demostrating yet again that the Catholic Cafeteria is as spiritually filling as the othodox deli.
  • Bad Catholic
    A "Bad in Name Only" Catholic voices strong opinions
  • Dappled Things
    Priests are busy. Thankfully, some blog, unapologetically
  • Disputations
    Criticial thinking of the highest order from a Venn Master, demonstrating that reason is the most effective apologetics
  • Journey to Vatican III
    Rebecca Nappi, Theologian and Newpaper Columnist with rare insights
  • Flos Carmeli
    Discussions in a Carmelite Tradition
  • The Lesser of Two Weevils
    A zen Catholic studying Hebrew and finding God in quantum physics is sure to have interesting things to say!
  • Built on a Rock
    Commentary on ecumenical issues is unsurpassed.
  • Noli Irritare Leones
    Yet another thoughtful calm commentary on religion, Catholics, politics and the world written by a non-Catholic.
  • Catholic Sensibility
    A "peace"ful website by a sensible Catholic liturgist usually avoiding the Catholic blog fratricide
  • Real Live Preacher
    OK, OK, He's not even Catholic--But he's a model for the unapologetic Christian who evangelizes with the lure of a Cristian life well lived and observed, not the hammer of screaming apologetics hellfire and brimstone.
  • Open Book
    Most unapologetic site by a true apologetic Catholic in the best sense of the word
  • Catholicism, Spirituality and Holiness
    Thoughtful Catholic man combines family, career and faith.

Noteworthy Catholic and Religious Blogs

  • A Cautious Man
    Pointing out that we could all be a little more cautious in forming our instant internet opinions. Heed his advice.
  • Beanbag Central
    Capital "C" equals Catholic Chaos at aptly named site.
  • Catholic and Enjoying It!
    Intentionally apologetic, can be over the top outrageous, provocative, but freqently informative, thoughtful and spirtitual
  • Fath Based Politiics
    Politics informed by faith--backwards from the usual. Maybe two ii's are better after all.
  • Musings of An Ordinary Catholic
    Not so ordinary musings
  • Ragamuffin Ramblings
    Words of wisdom from the Windy City
  • Sancta Sanctis
    You cannot miss Chesterton Thursdays! Comprehensive list of Catholic websites and a beatiful site that lives up to its name.
  • St. Blog's Parish Hall
    Graciously maintained by a holy person, whose virtue must be patience, a lengthy list of Catholic blogs, both apologetic and unapologetic.
  • The Squire
    Running from the thought police, and he's got a long way to go.
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I habitually pick my pews carefully and sometimes jump lines (though I do try not to be obvious about it) in order to avoid receiving Communion from an Extraordinary Minister. I also look forward to the day when there will be enough priests to make Extraordinary Ministers unnecessary.

However, your post has made me rethink my views. How much better and holier it is to see an Extraordinary Minister as the extension of a priest's hands than as an unfortunate result of liberalism taking hold of the Church. My avoidance of them is more due to politics than to real reverence. The Eucharist is the Eucharist no matter who is laying it on my tongue.

Unapolgetic Catholic

In my church I would advise any person how to loop around the back to come up the main aisle to recieve from the priest if they want to avoid EEM's.

In spite of the EEM stations , the line for the priest is still the longest--as it should be. Every person has the right to receive from the priest, even by walking past 5 EEM's if necessary.

What's interesting is that I, as EEM, do not personally care how people recieve. Some geneuflect, some kneeling, some on the tongue. I care not, I serve them all. They are in a state of grace at that moment.

Soemtimes when the line is really long, I am directed to stand next to the priest with my own Hosts so people can step out of the longer line.

I have no problems standing there while everyone recieves from the priest if that's what happens. I don't feel awkward at all. I try to be invisibly respectful.

Almost evereyone who recieves has a glow of faith on their face. I do not often feel that glow myself, which is why I am often emotionally overcome after serving.

But again, that is my personal private problem. In public, I am the extension of the hands of the priest.


I like your term "invisibly respectful". My parish has terms of 3 years, which I think is long enough. There's always the danger of the ministry becoming routine or ego-involved.


someday I would love to be a Eucharistic Minister. I was received into theRoman Catholic Church this past Easter Vigil and am grateful for the turn my faith has taken :-) Great blog!

David Wuletich

I have stopped receiving e-mails from Zenit, and I would like to sign up for them. I'm not sure why they stopped coming. Please e-mail me at the above address, and let me know how to get on the list again.
Thank You,
David Wuletich


Very interesting post. I thank you for this. I have just been invited to share in this ministry and I am feeling so humbled.

Cheryl Myers

Hello and thank you for sharing this. I am a sacristan minister at St. Mary's and I feel that I want to stop doing it but don't know how to tell them. I think I am just going through a stage, feeling worthless and as if I do not matter somehow. I am trained for EEM to begin this in the fall, but I am a little nervous and afraid I will feel just as worthless. I liked being a member and not having to worry about the responsibility, but I just feel as though it was easier to perform my faith than to perform for the service. Maybe I just need to reaffirm myself and serve.

Lisa S.

I will also pray for peace for that person crying quietly in the chapel. Blessings and grace be upon them.

African Catechist

I was asked to get information on EEMs by a Pastoral Nun in our diocese, who is preparing a guide for EEMs. This may not be guide book material but I have been trully touched by your post. I have often heard people from my Parish saying they do not want to receive the Body of Christ from so and so because of what they may heard. I have continuoulsy tried to makem realise that the efficacy of sacraments is not affected by the person. The grace comes directly from our Lord and we should be grateful for these people who volunteer to do such an enormous task. On the other hand familiarity breeds contempt and there should be a time limit as tho how long one may serve as an EEM. And yes, we seem to have similar issues all over the owrld to show that our church is trully catholic.


My husband and I became EEM's at vigil Mass this Easter Saturday. We would both like to reinforce the idea that EEM's provide extra hands for the priest. God willing there will be more vocations and the need for us in this role with cease. Until then, the Body of Christ continues to feed the Body of Christ. When asked to consider becoming EEM's both of us prayed and entered discussion with our parish priest, neither of us feeling worthy. This was a big decision and not made lightly. I had never touched the Eucharist with my hands before, so to agree to give it to others was momentous. Until the last few years I had always made a bee-line for the priest, not believing in what I considered unnecessary liberalisation within the Church. Having seen how hard our priests work as well as the reverence shown by EEM's in our parish I began to change. I still love to receive Communion from the priest, but being human he one pair of hands. The Eucharist remains what it is, regardless of who gives it. We thank God that we have two sons, one of whom looks like he could have a vocation. Despite the hectic pace of life, and 'wanting to get on' more sons need to enter the priesthood, so that future generations can continue to receive communion at all. I dread the day coming when the luxury of even weekly Mass is a distant memory. In the meantime we have to work together in our parishes. God bless all of you, and our prayers are with you, regardless from whom you seek to receive Communion.

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