Here's a quiz for you. See if you can identify the saint with the patronage. Some are pretty easy. Some can be guessed with a little knowledge of scripture and history. Some stumped me completely. Is there some reason why St. Thomas More is the patron saint of both lawyers and difficult marriages? Some saints have multiple patronages. St. Joseph, understandably is in great demand for workers, fathers, those near death and real estate agents. Some patronages have multiple saints--ugly people for example, may need all the help they can get. Saints Drogo and Germaine, pray for us!
I'm not sure there's an official list of patron saints, but I do like to be able to check out some of the background of saints to see why they might be the patron of a particular activity. Now I know why there are so many parishes named for St. Emydius in California. (Google if you don't believe me!)
The 100 patron saint list doesn't include some of my favorites. My own special patron did not make the list. Neither did my confirmation name saint I selected because my parents were told they might be childless. Obviously, they were not.
Somebody I pray to for special reason , who is not a saint--yet.